
 Dear Friends

                The month of October 2014 between 15 and 17 , we have the honor and pleasure of performing in Toledo XXXIX SPANISH NATIONAL CONGRESS Nephrology Nursing Society .

               The preparation of a Congress is definitely hard work, and in which the outcome depends on three factors , each and every one of them very important. The scientific part , the chosen place and the commitment of the hosts.

             In this, as in all the scientific part , we put each and every one of us , caring and giving interest to our communications and roundtables, as well as improving our results.

             The chosen location is Toledo and in it the Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions ' El Greco ', located in the City Centre . We are sure you will definitely respond to the expectations we have placed on it .

              Finally commit the Organizing Committee , the Board of Directors of our Company, that all is done in the best possible way . In addition to the scientific program , which we are sure will meet each year as the expectations of all participants , we hope you enjoy our city and its culture .

            We are sure there will be a high turnout and a great quality of communications and we guarantee that we will do everything to make your stay in Toledo, as pleasant and fructífiera possible. I hope .


Organizational Comittee President